DOFF steam based stone cleaning

DOFF is a steam based cleaning solution, using temperatures of over 200 degrees. This temperature and steam pressure allows easy removal of all biological matter.

DOFF cleaning is ideal for animal fouling and algae because it sterilises the surface also killing the spores that could allow normal methods to return.

What to use DOFF for

Moss, fungai and other biological matter - because the steam is superheated to well over boiling point, spores, bacteria and disease can easily be cleaned.
This also means you don't have to rely on harsh chemicals and can often result in longer lasting cleaning.

What are the benefits of the DOFF system?

DOFF can be used on brickwork and other stones, also because the steam temperature is so high the stonework dries very quickly and is not saturated by water.
Although using high pressure it is a very gentle process so can be used on soft surfaces like limestone.

For DOFF steam cleaning on your property, call D & R Specialist Construction on 0191 245 3656

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